Today's Date:
February 11, 2025

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The Societal Aftermath of World War I and Europe’s “Lost Generation”

There are few ways to effectively communicate the gravity of the paradigm shift that occurred throughout Europe following the final declaration of the armistice on November 11, 1918 which put an end to one of the most devastating and bloody  →

Montaigne and Sepulveda: Differences of Conquest & Culture

Two essays that address directly the issues of barbarity of native peoples, the motivations underlying conquest and subjugation, as well as the dual impacts for both the conquered and their conquerors could not address any of these matters in a  →

The Rise of Secularism in Medieval Europe

The state of medieval Europe around the time of Pope Boniface VIII represents a tumultuous time in history with dramatic struggles occurring between the secular ideas of a growing number of individuals, groups, and leaders against the once-dominant influence of  →

Why doesn’t Italy have a homogenous national culture? What are the reasons behind the lack of a strong national identity?

As Dickie notes, “Italy is an artificial, internally differentiated space which is, and has always been, traversed by a variety of historical forces” (19). In fact, when considering the very geographical makeup of the country, the sense of disunion is  →

The Ancient Greek Economy and the Modern Economic Foundations

Many of the institutions and practices of contemporary life can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Greece, and the economy is no exception. By identifying and analyzing some of the seminal features and characteristics of the archaic and  →

13 Definitions from European History Every History Student Should Know

Are you a student on European history or do you consider yourself well-versed on your definitions of important aspects of Western history? Why not quiz yourself? Can you provide a definition of the following terms from this period in history  →

Historical Summary of “Outpost of Progress” by Joseph Conrad

By the end of the 19th century Europe was reaching the height of its colonial enterprise, which had spanned several hundred years and at least three continents. Many of the ideas, issues, problems, developments, and mentalities that accompanied this project of empire,  →

The Consequences and Effects of the Thirty Years War

To fully understand modern history, it is important to comprehend the full effects of the Thirty Years War. The end of the Thirty Years War produced a number of dramatic consequences and altered Western Europe in significant religious, political, and  →

Roman Class Structure in The Satyricon by Petronius

The Satyricon by Petronius offers modern readers the unique opportunity to examine the class structure in this partially real, somewhat imagined Roman society by depicting characters from all levels of society. The harsh and dark streets haunted by the poor  →

War, Revolution, and the Downfall of the Monarchy in France and Russia

Despite the difference in time periods, geographic location, and political states, France (between the years 1763-1789) and Russia (between 1914-1917) experienced a collapse in the once dominant system of detested absolute monarchy. Both cases were the result of land-grabbing and colonizing  →